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Report on Ford Explorer 2020
Search Date: September 07, 2021

Vehicle Data

Year: 2020 Make, Model: Ford Explorer 2020 Trim: XLT Drive Type: AWD
Brake System: Ventilated Disc Restraint Type: Unknown Manufactured In: USA Style: Luxury Utility
Body Type: SUV/Crossover Body Subtype: SUV/Crossover Doors: 5 Mfr Model Number: 0123456789

360° Exterior Spin

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360° Interior Panorama

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Last Reported Mileage

41,000 miles

Estimated Mileage

41,000 miles
Note: Please be aware that the estimated mileage provided is not the current mileage of the VIN-checked vehicle. Our system determines the average mileage by analyzing data from similar vehicles from same states.

Vehicle Mileage Timeline

Title Records

Our databases returned no information on the title records of this vehicle.

Current Title

State: Massachusetts
Last odometer reading: 25,901 mi
Issue Date: September 07, 2023
Was used: 0 yrs. 11 mo.

Historical Title #1

State: Massachusetts
Last odometer reading: 25,901 mi
Issue Date: September 07, 2023
Was used: 0 yrs. 11 mo.

Historical Title #3

State: Massachusetts
Last odometer reading: 25,901 mi
Issue Date: September 07, 2023
Was used: 0 yrs. 11 mo.


Great news! There is no Accident Record for this car. This means that no accidents has been reported to NMVTIS by any of the state authorities.

No Accidents or Damages Reported
Accidents or Damages Reported
Date August 24, 2016
Type Accident
State Florida

Vehicle is incapable of safe operation for use on the roads or highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, or the vehicle's owner has irreversibly designated the vehicle as a source of parts or scrap. This vehicle shall never be titled or registered. Also known as nonrepairable, scrapped, or destroyed.

August 24, 2016
More Details
Date August 24, 2016
Type Accident
State Florida

Vehicle is incapable of safe operation for use on the roads or highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, or the vehicle's owner has irreversibly designated the vehicle as a source of parts or scrap. This vehicle shall never be titled or registered. Also known as nonrepairable, scrapped, or destroyed.

August 24, 2016
More Details
Date August 24, 2016
Type Accident
State Florida

Vehicle is incapable of safe operation for use on the roads or highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, or the vehicle's owner has irreversibly designated the vehicle as a source of parts or scrap. This vehicle shall never be titled or registered. Also known as nonrepairable, scrapped, or destroyed.

August 24, 2016
More Details
Date August 24, 2016
Type Accident
State Florida

Vehicle is incapable of safe operation for use on the roads or highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, or the vehicle's owner has irreversibly designated the vehicle as a source of parts or scrap. This vehicle shall never be titled or registered. Also known as nonrepairable, scrapped, or destroyed.


Junk/Salvage Records

Great news! There is no Junk/Salvage Record for this car. This means that no Junk/Salvage has been reported to NMVTIS by any of the state authorities.

Result #1

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Disposition: To be Determined
Description: Not on File
Intended for export: No
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Result #2

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Disposition: To be Determined
Description: Not on File
Intended for export: No
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Result #3

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Disposition: To be Determined
Description: Not on File
Intended for export: No
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Explanatory Note:
If this VIN has a record in the Junk/Salvage or Insurance information then the business that submitted the VIN to NMVTIS deemed the vehicle to be either a junk, salvage, or in the case of an insurer, a total loss. The information in the DISPOSITION field in the Junk/Salvage section denotes what has happened to the VIN (i.e., vehicle) since it came into the possession of the business.


Total Loss Records

Great news! There is no Total Loss Record for this car. This means that no Total Loss has been reported to NMVTIS by any of the state authorities.

Result #1

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Result #2

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Result #3

Date Obtained: September 07, 2021
Name of Reporting Source: The Salvage Center
City of Reporting Source: UXBridge
State of Reporting Source: Massachusetts
Phone Number of Reporting Source: 5082785115
Email Address of Reporting Source: pzenkus@thesalvagecenter.com

Explanatory Note:
If this VIN has a record in the Junk/Salvage or Insurance information then the business that submitted the VIN to NMVTIS deemed the vehicle to be either a junk, salvage, or in the case of an insurer, a total loss. The information in the DISPOSITION field in the Junk/Salvage section denotes what has happened to the VIN (i.e., vehicle) since it came into the possession of the business.


Problem Checks (Title Brands)

Flood Damage
Massachusetts, September 07, 2021
Vehicle damaged by freshwater flood (or it is unknown whether the damage was caused by fresh water or salt water).
Records Found View Issue
Fire Damage
Massachusetts, September 07, 2021
Vehicle damaged by fire.
Records Found View Issue
Hail Damage
No Problems Reported
No Problems Reported
No Problems Reported
Salvage / Damage
No Problems Reported
Former Rental
No Problems Reported
Former Taxi
No Problems Reported
Odometer Not Actual
No Problems Reported

All Title Brands

Title Brand Description Issuing State Date Applied
Flood Damage Vehicle damaged by freshwater flood (or it is unknown whether the damage was caused by fresh water or salt water). Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Fire Damage Vehicle damaged by fire. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Hail Damage Vehicle damaged by hail. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Salt Water Damage Vehicle damaged by saltwater flood. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vandalism Vehicle damaged by vandals. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Kit Vehicle that has been built by combining a chassis with a different (non-matching VIN) frame, engine, and body parts. The VIN on the chassis is used as the vehicle's VIN. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Dismantled Vehicle can only be sold as parts and cannot be legally driven. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Junk Vehicle is incapable of safe operation for use on the roads or highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, or the vehicle's owner has irreversibly designated the vehicle as a source of parts or scrap. Vehicle shall never be titled or registered. Also known as nonrepairable, scrapped, or destroyed. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Rebuilt Vehicle, previously branded"salvage", has passed anti-theft and safety inspections, or other jurisdiction procedures, to ensure the vehicle was rebuilt to required standards. Also known as prior salvage (salvaged). Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Reconstructed Vehicle that has been permanently altered from original construction by removing, adding, or substituting major components. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Salvage / Damage or Not Specified Vehicle has been wrecked, destroyed or damaged, to the extent that the total estimated or actual cost of parts and labor to rebuild or reconstruct the vehicle to its pre-accident condition and for legal operation on roads or highways exceeds a jurisdiction-defined percentage of the retail value of the vehicle. The retail value of the vehicle is determined by a current edition of a nationally recognized compilation (to include automated data bases) of retail values. Salvage / Damage or Not Specified also includes any vehicle to which an insurance company acquires ownership pursuant to a damage settlement, or any vehicle that the vehicle's owner may wish to designate as a salvage vehicle by obtaining a salvage title, without regard to extent of the vehicle's damage and repairs, or any vehicle for which the jurisdiction cannot distinguish the reason the vehicle was designated salvage. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Test Vehicle Vehicle is built and retained by the manufacturer for testing. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Refurbished Vehicle modified by the installation of a new cab and chassis for the existing coach which has been renovated, resulting in a vehicle of greater value or a vehicle with a new style. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Collision Vehicle damaged by collision. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Salvage Retention Vehicle is branded salvage and is kept by the owner. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Prior Taxi Vehicle previously registered as a taxi. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Prior Police Vehicle previously registered as a police vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Original Taxi Vehicle is currently registered as a taxi. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Original Police Vehicle is currently registered as a police vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Remanufactured Vehicle was reconstructed by the manufacturer. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Warranty Return Vehicle returned to the manufacturer because of a breach in the warranty. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Antique Vehicle is over 50 years old. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Classic Vehicle is over 20 years old and adheres to other jurisdiction-specific criteria, e.g., vehicle make, condition, etc. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Agricultural Vehicle Vehicle will primarily be operated on private roads for agricultural purposes. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Logging Vehicle Vehicle will primarily be operated on private roads for logging purposes. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Street Rod Vehicle has been modified to not conform with the manufacturer's specifications, and the modifications adhere to jurisdiction-specific criteria. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vehicle Contains Reissued VIN The chassis VIN has been reissued, i.e. the same VIN is reused. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Replica Vehicle with a body built to resemble and be a reproduction of another vehicle of a given year and given manufacturer. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Totaled Vehicle that is declared a total loss by a jurisdiction or an insurer that is obligated to cover the loss or that the insurer takes possession of or title to. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Owner Retained Vehicle that has been declared by the insurance company to be a total loss but the owner maintains possession and ownership of the vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Memorandum Copy The title document is a facsimile title and not the active (original or duplicate) title document. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Recovered Theft Vehicle was previously titled as salvage due to theft. Vehicle has been repaired and inspected (or complied with other jurisdiction procedures) and may be legally driven. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Undisclosed Lien Vehicle has entered the titling jurisdiction from a jurisdiction that does not disclose lien-holder information on the title. The titling jurisdiction may issue a new title without this brand if no notice of a security interest in the vehicle is received, within a jurisdiction defined time frame. Note: This brand is not valid after January 17, 2003. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Prior Owner Retained Vehicle that was previously branded owner retained and was sold. The new owner's title contains this brand. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vehicle Non-conformity Uncorrected A non-safety defect reported to the jurisdiction by the vehicle manufacturer remains uncorrected. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vehicle Non-conformity Corrected A non-safety defect reported to the jurisdiction by the vehicle manufacturer has been corrected. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vehicle Safety Defect Uncorrected A safety defect reported to the jurisdiction by the vehicle manufacturer remains uncorrected. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Vehicle Safety Defect Corrected A safety defect reported to the jurisdiction by the vehicle manufacturer has been corrected. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
VIN Replaced VIN replaced by a new state assigned VIN. A title should not be issued for the VIN. This brand can be issued for rebuilt vehicles. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Gray Market: Non-compliant Vehicle was manufactured for use outside the United States and has been brought into the United States. Vehicle is not in compliance with applicable federal standards. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Gray Market: Compliant Vehicle was manufactured for use outside the United States and has been brought into the United States. Vehicle is in compliance with applicable federal standards. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Manufacturer Buy Back Vehicle that has been bought back by the manufacturer under jurisdiction - defined regulations or laws, such as lemon laws. For example, the manufacturer could be obligated to buy back the vehicle when a specified number of repair attempts fails to correct a major problem on a new vehicle, or if a new vehicle has been out of service for repair for the same problem for a cumulative period of 30 days or more, within one year of purchase. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Former Rental No Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Salvage / Stolen Vehicle that the reporting jurisdiction considers salvage because an insurance company has acquired ownership pursuant to a settlement based on the theft of the vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Salvage / Reasons Other Than Damage or Stolen Vehicle that the reporting jurisdiction considers salvage based on criteria, such as abandonment, not covered by the Salvage / Damage or Not Specified and Salvage / Stolen brands. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Disclosed Damage Vehicle has sustained damage to the extent that the damage is required to be disclosed under the jurisdiction's damage disclosure law. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Prior Non-Repairable / Repaired Vehicle constructed by repairing a vehicle that has been destroyed or declared to be non-repairable or otherwise declared to not be eligible for titling because of the extent of damage to the vehicle but has been issued a title pursuant to state law after falling within this criterion with this brand on the face of the certificate of title. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Crushed The frame or chassis of the vehicle has been crushed or otherwise destroyed so that it is physically impossible to use it in constructing a vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Hazardous The jurisdiction has determined that the vehicle has been contaminated by a ‘hazardous substance’ and is unsafe for use. Excluding flood damaged vehicles. A 'hazardous substance' is any substance that could diminish the safety of the vehicle or cause injury to its occupants. The 'hazardous substance' has one or more, but is not limited to the following intrinsic 'hazardous properties': Explosiveness, Flammability, Ability to oxidize (accelerate a fire), Human toxicity (acute or chronic), Corrosiveness (to human tissue or metal), Eco toxicity (with or without bioaccumulation), Capacity, on contact with air or water, to develop one or more of the above properties. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Not Actual The odometer reading is known to be other than the true mileage for the vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Tampering Verified The odometer reading is known to be other than the true mileage for the vehicle, due to tampering. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Exempt from Odometer Disclosure Vehicle falls within criteria that allows it to change ownership without disclosure of the odometer reading. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Exceeds Mechanical Limits The odometer reading is less than the true mileage of the vehicle because the odometer cannot display the total number of true miles. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer May be Altered The titling authority has reason to believe that the odometer reading does not reflect the true mileage of the vehicle because of an alteration to the odometer. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Replaced The odometer in the vehicle is not the odometer put in the vehicle when manufactured. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Reading at Time of Renewal The odometer reading was recorded when the registration was renewed. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Discrepancy The titling authority has reason to believe that the odometer reading does not reflect the true mileage of the vehicle because of known previous recorded values of odometer for the vehicle. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer: Call Title Division The titling authority knows of some problem with the odometer reading that it cannot print on a title. Titling authority will discuss the problem (manual process) with authorized inquirers. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Odometer Exceeds Mechanical Limits Rectified The odometer reading is less than the true mileage of the vehicle because the odometer cannot display the total number of true miles. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Pending Junk Automobile CARS.gov - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save (CARS) program is processing an application which, if approved, will render this vehicle incapable of operating on public streets, roads, and highways. The vehicle will have no value except as a source of parts or scrap, shall be crushed or shredded within a specified time period (including the engine block), and shall not be exported prior to crushing or shredding. For additional information concerning the CARS program visit CARS.gov. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Junk Automobile CARS.gov - Pursuant to the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 (CARS) this vehicle is incapable of operating on public streets, roads, and highways. The vehicle has no value except as a source of parts or scrap, shall be crushed or shredded within a specified time period (including the engine block), and shall not be exported prior to crushing or shredding. For additional information concerning the CARS program visit CARS.gov. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Inoperable Vehicle Vehicle that is substantially disassembled and for this reason is mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved upon a public street, highway, or public vehicular area. An"inoperable vehicle" has not been identified as either"junk" or"salvage". Inoperable vehicles may be titled, but no registration may be issued until such time that the vehicle has been determined roadworthy according to state regulations. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Export Only Vehicle A salvage or junk vehicle determined for exportation outside of the United States and/or its territories, is not eligible for re-title/re-registration for on-road use in the United States. Massachusetts September 07, 2021
Parts Only The vehicle may only be used for parts. Massachusetts September 07, 2021

Ownership Records


Our databases returned no information on the owner(s) of this vehicle.

Owner #1

Last Updated: MM/DD/YYYY

Owner #2

Last Updated: MM/DD/YYYY

Owner #3

Possible Other Names: SHOW OWNER INFO
Last Updated: 11/22/2024
Possible Owner 1
  • Massachusetts
  • Since 1/27/2018
  • 500 Miles
Possible Owner 2
  • Massachusetts
  • Since 1/27/2018
  • 500 Miles
Possible Owner 3
  • Massachusetts
  • Since 1/27/2018
  • 500 Miles
Possible Owner 4
  • Massachusetts
  • Since 1/27/2018
  • 500 Miles

Market Values


New Car Prices & Values ?

  • MSRP: $199,999
  • Invoice: $99,999
  • Equipped Retail: $9,999

Used Car Values

This VIN is corresponding to more than one vehicle.
Please choose the vehicle you want values for from the list below:
Prices below are based on 99,999 miles odometer reading and known vehicle registration in state of XXXXXXXX.
You can adjust actual mileage to see more accurate price estimates.

Trade-In Value ?

  • Clean $999
    Average $999
    Rough $999

Wholesale ?

  • X-Clean $999
    Clean $999
    Average $999
    Rough $999

Retail ?

  • X-Clean $999
    Clean $999
    Average $999
    Rough $999

Residuals (How Much Your Car Might Cost in the Future)


Sales History

Found At

2 NHTSA Recalls

Recall #1

1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

NHTSA Campaign #:
Manufacturer Campaign #:
Manufactured Between:
April 9, 2010 - May 12, 2011
Recall Type:
Potential Units Affected:
Owner Notification Date:
December 8, 2011
Recall Initiator:
Report Received Date:
December 8, 2011
Record Creation Date:
December 8, 2011
Regulation Part #:
Recall #2

1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue lacus, pulvinar at dignissim eu, consequat eget ipsum. Sed porta lacinia blandit. Maecenas ultricies lorem quis eros tempor, sit amet tristique ex commodo. Vivamus aliquet interdum nulla, vitae tincidunt tortor blandit sed. Aliquam ac vulputate nulla, in varius velit. Nam velit eros, aliquam id ante vitae, congue feugiat est. Aenean luctus dignissim eleifend. Quisque euismod condimentum quam in dapibus. Morbi vel sodales mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque in efficitur turpis, sed aliquet odio. Nulla facilisi.

NHTSA Campaign #:
Manufacturer Campaign #:
Manufactured Between:
April 9, 2010 - May 12, 2011
Recall Type:
Potential Units Affected:
Owner Notification Date:
December 8, 2011
Recall Initiator:
Report Received Date:
December 8, 2011
Record Creation Date:
December 8, 2011
Regulation Part #:

NHTSA Safety Complaints

Below are safety complaints for 2017 INFINITI Q50 submitted by consumers to the NHTSA

Auto Specs

NHTSA Crash Test Ratings

Front Overall: Unknown
Front/Driver: Unknown
Front/Passenger: Unknown
Side Overall: Unknown
Side Barrier Driver: Unknown
Side Barrier Passenger: Unknown
Sile Pole Driver: Unknown
Side Combined Front: Unknown
Side Combined Rear: Unknown
Rollover: Unknown

Awards and Accolades

Best Family SUV

Most Fuel Economy SUV

Most Expensive SUV


Warranties Miles Months Status
Accessory 70,000 48 Months Active
Basic 70,000 24 Months Active
Drivetrain/Powertrain 50,000 24 Months Likely Expired
Emission 50,000 24 Months Likely Expired
RoadSide Assistance 25,000 12 Months Likely Expired
Rust 20,000 24 Months Expired
Safety Restrain System 15,000 24 Months Expired

Cost of Ownership in Florida

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Despreciaton $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Insurance $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Fuel $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Maintenance $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Repairs $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Taxes & fees $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256
Ownership costs $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256 $3,256

Location History

divi discount
Date State Zip Notice
Date: September 07, 2021 State: Massachusetts Postal Code: 01234

In Boston, the record for such flooding was set in 2017, when high tides inundated parts of the city on 22 days, more than any other community on the East Coast. In a decade, there could be as many as 35 days of such flooding, and up to 95 days a year by 2050, NOAA projected.

Date: September 07, 2021 State: Massachusetts Postal Code: 01234

In Boston, the record for such flooding was set in 2017, when high tides inundated parts of the city on 22 days, more than any other community on the East Coast. In a decade, there could be as many as 35 days of such flooding, and up to 95 days a year by 2050, NOAA projected.

Date: September 07, 2021 State: Massachusetts Postal Code: 01234

In Boston, the record for such flooding was set in 2017, when high tides inundated parts of the city on 22 days, more than any other community on the East Coast. In a decade, there could be as many as 35 days of such flooding, and up to 95 days a year by 2050, NOAA projected.

Manufacturer Information

  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Petuelring 130, 80809 Munich
  • Germany
  • Mercedes-Benz Plant

Mercedes-Benz, commonly referred to as Mercedes, is both a German automotive brand and, from late 2019 onwards, a subsidiary – as Mercedes-Benz AG – of Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz is known for producing luxury vehicles and commercial vehicles. The headquarters is in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. The name first appeared in 1926 as Daimler-Benz.[clarification needed] In 2018, Mercedes-Benz was the largest seller of premium vehicles in the world, having sold 2.31 million passenger cars.

Consumer Access Product Disclaimer

The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) is an electronic system that contains information on certain automobiles titled in the United States. NMVTIS is intended to serve as a reliable source of title and brand history for automobiles, but it does not contain detailed information regarding a vehicle’s repair history.

All states, insurance companies, and junk and salvage yards are required by federal law to regularly report information to NMVTIS. However, NMVTIS does not contain information on all motor vehicles in the United States because some states are not yet providing their vehicle data to the system. Currently, the data provided to NMVTIS by states is provided in a variety of time frames; while some states report and update NMVTIS data in “real-time” (as title transactions occur), other states send updates less frequently, such as once every 24 hours or within a period of days.

Information on previous, significant vehicle damage may not be included in the system if the vehicle was never determined by an insurance company (or other appropriate entity) to be a “total loss” or branded by a state titling agency. Conversely, an insurance carrier may be required to report a “total loss” even if the vehicle’s titling-state has not determined the vehicle to be “salvage” or “junk”.

A Vehicle History Reports is NOT a substitute for an independent vehicle inspection. Before making a decision to purchase a vehicle, consumers are strongly encouraged to also obtain an independent vehicle inspection to ensure the vehicle does not have hidden damage. The Approved NMVTIS Data Providers (look for the NMVTIS logo) can include vehicle condition data from sources other than NMVTIS.

NMVTIS data INCLUDES (as available by those entities required to report to the System):

  • Information from participating state motor vehicle titling agencies.
  • Information on automobiles, buses, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, motor homes, and tractors. NMVTIS may not currently include commercial vehicles if those vehicles are not included in a state’s primary database for title records (in some states, those vehicles are managed by a separate state agency), although these records may be added at a later time.
  • Information on “brands” applied to vehicles provided by participating state motor vehicle titling agencies. Brand types and definitions vary by state but may provide useful information about the condition or prior use of the vehicle.
  • Most recent odometer reading in the state’s title record.
  • Information from insurance companies, and auto recyclers, including junk and salvage yards, that is required by law to be reported to the system, beginning March 31, 2009. This information will include if the vehicle was determined to be a “total loss” by an insurance carrier.
  • Information from junk and salvage yards receiving a “cash for clunker” vehicle traded-in under the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 (CARS) Program.

Consumers are advised to visit vehiclehistory.bja.ojp.gov for details on how to interpret the information in the system and understand the meaning of various labels applied to vehicles by the participating state motor vehicle titling agencies.

You understand that this report contains information collected from public and private resources and may not always be accurate and up to date as we do not guarantee the accuracy, availability or the amount of information provided through our service.

DataOne Software is an automotive data source providing data to solution and service providers in North America across many sectors including automotive marketing, transportation, and risk management.

© Certain automotive content displayed within this website, Copyright DataOne Software and is protected under United States and international copyright law. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, recording or modification of this content is strictly prohibited.

Copyright © 2024 Hearst Business Media Corp. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Black Book® is a registered trademark of Hearst Business Media Corp. Black Book is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this event or offer. Prices are based on Black Book® (clean/average/rough) Trade-in/Retail value and are subject to adjustment for mileage and condition.

Weekly Auction Values

Our Weekly Auction Values represent recent price action for a vehicle at wholesale auction, as current wholesale transaction volume allows. For historical data periods prior to December 2020, our Weekly Auction Values were only available for the most recent seven model years.

They are defined as follows:

  • Low Auction values represent vehicles with below average auction prices. Vehicles in this category may be negatively impacted by short-term oversupply and/or require substantial reconditioning.
  • Average Auction values reflect the average auction price.
  • High Auction values represent vehicles with higher-than-average auction market prices. Vehicles in this category may be positively impacted by a short-term shortage in supply and/or in excellent condition with attributes or option content that would improve demand.
Loan Value

The suggested amount of credit that may be obtained on a vehicle based on the Clean Trade-In value. Providers of vehicle financing determine the amount of credit they are willing to extend on a vehicle.

New Car Prices & Values
  • MSRP
    The base MSRP listed in our Guide products are our representations of the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price, at the time of introduction, with standard equipment only. Our MSRP excludes taxes, transportation, and destination charges.
  • Gas Guzzler Tax
    Manufacturers of new cars that fail to meet the minimum fuel economy level of 22.5 miles per gallon (mpg) have to pay a “Gas Guzzler Tax”. The tax is intended to discourage the production and purchase of fuel inefficient vehicles.
  • Destination Charge
    A destination charge is a fee that comes from the cost of delivering a brand new vehicle to a dealership. Cars have to be prepped for transport, delivered, then prepared for sale at the dealer, so destination fees are an attempt to recoup those costs.
Retail Value

The Retail value is our projected retail value for a vehicle in clean condition. See the Trade Values section below for the definition of Clean condition.

Trade Values

These values represent our projected wholesale value for this vehicle (see vehicle condition definitions below) with mileage falling within our assumed mileage range. They are provided for the following conditions:

  • Rough
    Significant mechanical defects requiring repairs in order to restore reasonable running condition; paint, body and wheel surfaces have considerable damage to their finish, which may include dull, faded or oxidized paint, small to medium size dents, frame damage, rust, or obvious signs of previous repairs; interior reflects above average wear, with inoperable equipment, damaged or missing trim, and heavily soiled /permanent imperfections on the headliner, carpet, and upholstery; may have a branded title; vehicle will need substantial reconditioning and repair to be made ready for resale; some existing damage may be difficult to restore.
  • Average
    Mechanically sound but may require some repairs/servicing to pass all necessary inspections; paint, body and wheel surfaces have moderate imperfections and an average finish which can be improved with restorative repair; interior reflects some soiling and wear in relation to vehicle age, with all equipment operable or requiring minimal effort to make operable; clean title history; vehicle will need a fair degree of reconditioning to be made ready for resale.
  • Clean
    No mechanical defects and passes all necessary inspections with ease; paint, body and wheels may have minor surface scratching with a high gloss finish; interior reflects minimal soiling and wear, with all equipment in complete working order; vehicle has a clean title history; vehicle will need minimal reconditioning to be made ready for resale.
How to Request Alaska Vehicle Record

Persons eligible under the Driver Privacy Protection Act and Alaska statutes may obtain an Alaska Motor Vehicle Record.

Complete a Request for Vehicle Record Form 851 , sign and date the form, submit payment and any required documents to the Alaska DMV. There is a $10 fee for each record. Government agencies are not charged for this service.

By Mail Division of Motor Vehicles
Attn: Research
1300 W Benson Blvd, Ste. 200
Anchorage, AK 99506-3600
By Fax (907) 269-5202
By Email doa.dmv.research@alaska.gov
Forms URL http://doa.alaska.gov/dmv/forms/pdfs/851.pdf
How to Request Arizona Vehicle Record

If you are the owner of record on the Arizona title, you may purchase a Title and Registration Motor Vehicle Record (MVR):

  • Online through the Motor Vehicle Record-Title and Registration request service on azmvdnow.gov
  • By mail using the Motor Vehicle Record Request form 46-4416

If you are a prospective buyer of a vehicle currently titled in Arizona, you may ask the vehicle owner to provide you with an Arizona MVR prior to purchase of the vehicle.

  • Vehicles that have not been titled or registered in Arizona during the last 5 years may not be eligible for an MVR.
  • A Title and Registration MVR contains the following information: Owner, vehicle, lien and brand.
How to Request Arkansas Vehicle Record

Arkansas is under the federal Driver\'s Privacy Act and will not give out information belonging to someone else. If you need information from when you owned the vehicle you may send in a written request along with a copy of your driver\'s license to request the information.

Your request must contain the following:

  1. Vehicle specifics such as description of vehicle, VIN, license plate number or name with address for an alpha search.
  2. Reason for requesting the information.
  3. Fees are $1.00 for owner/lien holder information and $1.00 for each copy of documents requested such as bill of sale, contracts, etc.

Mail your request to:

Arkansas Office of Motor Vehicles
Records Unit, Room 1100
P. O. Box 1272
Little Rock, AR 72203

If you need additional information you may contact our Information/Records Unit by phone at 501-682-4692 or by fax at 501-682-4756 or by email at MVInformation@dfa.arkansas.gov

How to Request Colorado Vehicle Record

Customer can request vehicle record information by completing a DR2489A and submitting $2.20 for the record search. Information can be found at https://dmv.colorado.gov/vehicle-record-searches. The DR2489A can be found at https://dmv.colorado.gov/sites/dmv/files/documents/DR2489A_2022.pdf

How to Request Connecticut Vehicle Record

State of Connecticut Dept of Motor Vehicles
Records Information
60 State St
Wethersfield, CT 06161
(860) 263-5700

How to Request Delaware Vehicle Record


How to Request Florida Vehicle Record

To request a Motor Vehicle record: https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/90510.pdf

For Motor Vehicle information check: https://services.flhsmv.gov/MVCheckWeb/

How to Request Hawaii Vehicle Record
How to Request Idaho Vehicle Record

An Idaho Motor Vehicle Record is available to individuals and businesses who can provide the vehicle identification number (VIN) and title number, and are authorized to receive this information under the federal Driver Privacy Protection Act and the provisions of Idaho Code § 49-203.

Complete a Request for Vehicle Record online at https://www.accessidaho.org/itd/driver/mvr/index or by completing and submitting a Motor Vehicle Request Form 3374 with a signature, date, and payment. Credit Card orders may be sent via fax or email.

By Mail Idaho Department of Transportation
Attn: Motor Vehicle Records
PO Box 34
Boise, ID 83707-0034
By Fax (208) 287-3885
By Email DMVHelp@itd.idaho.gov
Forms URL https://itd.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/3374.pdf
How to Request Illinois Vehicle Record

Persons eligible under the Driver Privacy Protection Act and Illinois statutes may obtain an Illinois Motor Vehicle Record.

Inquiries about registration and title records should be directed to:

Secretary of State
Motor Vehicle Records Division, Record Inquiry Section
501 S. Second St., Rm. 408
Springfield, IL 62756
Telephone: 217-782-6992 or 217-785-3000
Fax: 217-524-0122

Information Request Form: http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/publications/pdf_publications/vsd375.pdf

How to Request Indiana Vehicle Record

https://www.in.gov/bmv/titles/title-forms/ Under the heading: "Obtaining a Vehicle or Watercraft Record" select "Request for Certified Records – State Form 53789"

How to Request Iowa Vehicle Record

Iowa Department of Transportation
Central Programs Bureau
P.O. Box 9278
Des Moines, IA 50306-9278
Vehicle Information contact Central.Vehicle@iowadot.us
Records Searches contact Mvd.Electronicapplicationrequest@iowadot.us
Telephone (515) 237-3156

How to Request Kansas Vehicle Record

Persons eligible under the Driver Privacy Protection Act and Kansas State statutes may obtain a Kansas Motor Vehicle Record.

For online inquiries (subscriber service only) – Make a Kansas Request to Access Vehicle Records Payment - Powered by PayIt (payitgov.com)

How to Request Kentucky Vehicle Record

Use form TC96-16G-Request for Motor Vehicle or Boat Record that Includes Personal Information–Government Agency Use Only found at http://transportation.ky.gov/Organizational-Resources/Forms/TC%2096-16g.pdf. Submit according to mail-in directions on form. Current record retention is five years.

How to Request Louisiana Vehicle Record


How to Request Maine Vehicle Record

45 Commerce Drive, Suite 10
Augusta, Maine 04330
Phone: (207) 621-2600 or (207) 512-5605
Toll-Free: (877) 212-6500
Fax: (207) 621-9950
General Email: info@informe.org
For subscriber information: (207) 621-2600 x038

How to Request Maryland Vehicle Record

Maryland motor vehicle record information may be requested by submitting an MVA Request for Record found on our website at https://mva.maryland.gov/Documents/DR-057.pdf

Applications will need to be mailed to:

6601 Ritchie Hwy NE Glen Burnie MD 21062
Attn: Room 145 (for driving records) or Room 202 (for vehicle records)

Instructions on how to submit the application can be found on the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration\'s website at https://mva.maryland.gov/Pages/driver-record-questions.aspx#:~:text=A%20business%20may%20download%20the,202%20(for%20vehicle%20records).

How to Request Massachusetts Vehicle Record


How to Request Michigan Vehicle Record

Driver and vehicle records are released in compliance with Driver Privacy Protection Laws. For more information, visit the Michigan Department of State website at: www.Michigan.gov/sos

Individual or non-account holder record requests are now submitted online by visiting www.Michigan.gov/sos. Select Online Services, and under the Additional Services box, select Record Sales Services and then select Request Records

Account holder record requests are now submitted online by visiting www.Michigan.gov/sos. Select Online Services, and under the Additional Services box, select Record Sales Services and then select Log in for Record Sales.

Records are $11 per searched record ($12 for a certified record) and provided at no charge to Michigan Government agencies with an approved account.

Bulk Data: Bulk data is available through the List Sales Program. Address inquiries to ListSales@Michigan.gov. Bulk records are record extracts (primarily header information) and do not contain driving, title or registration history.

How to Request Minnesota Vehicle Record

https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/forms-documents/Pages/records-forms.aspx or call DVS Records Office, (651) 296-2940.

How to Request Missouri Vehicle Record

If you are the owner of record on the Missouri title, you may purchase a title and/or registration motor vehicle record by completing request form 5499, Request From Record Holder form. Form and fee may be submitted by:

  • Visiting a Missouri Motor Vehicle licensing office. Office listing and business information may be found at http://dor.mo.gov/mvdl/offloc/
  • Mail: Missouri Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Bureau-Record Center, P.O. Box 2048, Jefferson City, MO 65105-2048
  • Fax (573) 526-7060
  • E-Mail: mvrecords@dor.mo.gov

Vehicle owner will receive documentation containing requested owner, vehicle, lien, and/or registration information; however, this documentation may not be used in place of the Missouri title for transfer of ownership. For information on obtaining a duplicate Missouri title, visit http://dor.mo.gov/motorv/titlerep.php or call (573) 526-3669.

If you are the not owner of record on the Missouri title, Missouri record information may be requested by submitting the request form and fee for each record. If personal information is requested, the requestor will submit Request for Motor Vehicle Records with Personal Information form, Form 5091. When no personal information is requested, the completion of form Request for Information, Form 4803 is required. Refer to form for fee assessment.

Forms may be found at https://dor.mo.gov/forms/5091.pdf or https://dor.mo.gov/forms/4803.pdf.

Public Records Request Review

Prior to release, public record requests are reviewed for permissible uses allowable by federal and state laws. DOL will either provide you with the record information you seek or notification in writing with an explanation that prevents release of the record you seek.

How to Request Montana Vehicle Record


How to Request Nebraska Vehicle Record


How to Request Nevada Vehicle Record


How to Request New Jersey Vehicle Record

Businesses may access applications and obtain information through the NJMVC records website: https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/business/cair.htm and https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/business/cairdataexchange.htm

Individuals may submit a written request for a variety of records: https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/vehicles/certitle.htm

How to Request New Mexico Vehicle Record

New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division Joseph Montoya Building
P.O. Box 1028
1100 South St. Francis Drive Santa Fe 87504-1028
Telephone: 888-683-4636 or 888-MVD-INFO

Download/fill out Confidential Records Release form if you would like to obtain a vehicle record: https://www.mvd.newmexico.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/MVD11260-Confidential-Records-Release-Form.pdf

Special Instructions: In addition to taking this form to an MVD office, this form is eligible to be faxed to (505) 827-2783 and include your name and phone number.

How to Request North Dakota Vehicle Record

North Dakota vehicle record information may be requested by submitting the Request for Vehicle Information - SFN 51269. Instructions and fees are explained on the form.

Forms can be found on the NDDOT home page web site at

Complete and mail to the mailing address provided on this form.

How to Request Ohio Vehicle Record


How to Request Pennsylvania Vehicle Record

Pennsylvania vehicle record information may be requested by downloading a Request for Vehicle Information (DL-135) from www.dmv.pa.gov. Select “Forms and Publications”, “Continue to the PennDOT Forms & Publications Website”, then enter “DL-135” in the “Search” tool. Forms must be mailed to PennDOT for processing. Return mailing address is listed on the reverse side of the form

How to Request Rhode Island Vehicle Record


How to Request South Carolina Vehicle Record

Forms & Manuals (scdmvonline.com)

If you are a prospective buyer of a vehicle currently titled in South Carolina, you may request a South Carolina title history by submitting a completed Request for Vehicle Information form (Form 5027-A) to SCDMV, P.O. Box 1498, Blythewood, SC 29016-1498.

The title history for the vehicle will include odometer information and all supporting documentation on file. The cost for the Title History is $6.00. Make checks payable to SCDMV.

How to Request South Dakota Vehicle Record

Please submit to the following: motorv@state.sd.us

How to Request Tennessee Vehicle Record

Persons eligible under the Driver Privacy Protection Act and Tennessee State statutes may obtain a TN State Motor Vehicle Record.

Complete a Vehicle Information Request, Form RV-F1313801, sign and date the form, submit payment and any required documents to the Dept. of Revenue, Vehicle Services Division. The fee depends upon what is requested, this information can be found on our form. Government agencies are not charged for this service.

By Mail Vehicle Services Division
500 Deaderick St.
Nashville, TN 37243
By Fax 615-253-8650 (only for government agencies)
By Email VehicleServices.Research@tn.gov (only for government agencies)
Forms URL https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/revenue/documents/forms/general/f1313801Fill-in.pdf
How to Request Texas Vehicle Record

The consumer must:

  1. Complete and sign the Request for Texas Motor Vehicle Information (Form VTR-275) located here http://www.txdmv.gov/forms.
  2. Certify by initialing their intended use of the information on the back of the form
  3. Submit a completed and signed Form VTR-275 with a copy of the customer\'s government issued photo ID, written authorization and required documentation, if applicable, by mail. Or visit a Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Regional Service Center for assistance.
  4. Include payment ($5.75 for title history or $6.75 for a certified title history) in the form of a personal check, money order, or cashier\'s check made payable to TxDMV. Do not mail cash. Fees are not refundable. If the requested information will be used in legal purposes, a "certified title history" is recommended.

To contact the department, please visit: http://www.txdmv.gov/contact-us.

How to Request Utah Vehicle Record

If you are the owner of record on the Utah state title, you may purchase a Title and Registration Motor Vehicle Record by completing Utah form TC-890. Once completed please mail the form and payment to the address listed on the form.

If you are not the owner, please review the other authorized reasons listed on our form. If you can meet one of these conditions, you may be entitled to the motor vehicle information.

You can obtain this form on-line at www.dmv.utah.gov

  • Vehicles that have not been titled or registered in Utah during the last 10 years may not be eligible for a record search.
  • The owner name, vehicle information, lien holder and any brands will be provided.
How to Request Vermont Vehicle Record

Telephone: 802-828-2000 or by email at DMV.InformationUnit@vermont.gov

How to Request Virginia Vehicle Record

For a Prospective Purchaser Inquiry (PPI) on a vehicle titled in Virginia go to www.dmvnow.com. On DMV\'s General Information, Obtaining DMV Records then Vehicle History Reports https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/general/#records/ppi.asp.

How to Request Washington Vehicle Record

Washington State vehicle record information may be requested by submitting a Vehicle Record Request form to the Department of Licensing.

  • Access the DOL home page web site at http://www.dol.wa.gov
    • Click on "Get a Form", located in the center grey part of the home page
    • Click on "…more forms by title" then scroll down the list to find the form called "Public Record Request-Public disclosure"
    • At the top of the form, in the first paragraph, click on the link for a complete list of public disclosure forms, www.dol.wa.gov/forms/formspd.html. Scroll down this list to the second heading titled: "Vehicle or boat information"
    • Click on the second bullet in the list called: "Vehicle Record Request"
    • Complete and email, mail, or fax as indicated on the second page of this form. Or call the Vehicle/Vessel Record Disclosure unit at (360) 359-4002 and we will mail or fax the form to you.
  • Your request will be acknowledged within five business days of receipt.

Public Records Request Review

Prior to release, Vehicle/Vessel public records requests are reviewed for permissible uses allowable by federal and state laws. DOL will either provide you with:

The records you seek or notify you in writing with an explanation of the applicable statutory exemptions that prevent release of the records, along with an explanation of how those exemptions apply, in whole or in part.

How to Request West Virginia Vehicle Record

Contact our Records Management Unit at (304) 926-3909 or go to WV Division of Motor Vehicles and download and complete form DMV-100-TR "Request for Vehicle Information" and either mail or take to our Vehicle Services section at the main DMV office in Kanawha City, WV with the applicable fees.

How to Request Wisconsin Vehicle Record

Wisconsin vehicle record information can be requested by submitting the Vehicle/Driver Record Information Request form, MV2896 and a $5.00 fee for each record. If personal information is being requested, the form needs to have one of the boxes checked authorizing release of personal information. http://wisconsindot.gov/Documents/formdocs/mv2896.pdf

Additional information related to privacy of WI motor vehicle records can be found at: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/license-drvs/rcd-crsh-rpt/privacy.aspx.

How to Request Wyoming Vehicle Record

If you are the owner of record on the title, you must contact the County Clerk in the county that the title was issued to order a duplicate title. If you are the registered owner of record on the registration, you must contact the County Treasurer in the county that the license plate and registration was issued to order a duplicate registration or replace a lost or stolen license plate.

The County Clerk\'s and County Treasurer\'s telephone numbers are listed on our website at http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/titles_plates_registration.html.

For a title search, we follow the Federal Privacy Disclosure Act. If you qualify, you may complete our Privacy Disclosure Agreement and pay $5.00 for each title search. The Agreement is found on our website at http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/titles_plates_registration/title_search.html.
