Louisiana VIN Check
How to Perform a VIN Lookup in Louisiana?
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is a sequence of 17-character alphanumeric codes stamped on a vehicle by a car manufacturer. It serves as a vehicle's unique identity code. Generally, a VIN can track a vehicle's accident, repair, theft, recall, salvage titles, and records such as registrations, insurance coverage, and warranty claims.
The Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) provides a Registered Vehicle Search Database that allows interested persons to look up vehicles registered with the LPSC to transport passengers. Among other parameters, the database permits searching for vehicles by VIN using only the last several numbers/characters of the vehicle identification number. Anyone seeking to look up a Louisiana-registered private vehicle for information such as titles, driving records, and accident reports using its VIN should contact the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) at (225) 925-6164.
You can also perform a VIN lookup in Louisiana online using the services of third-party websites like GoodCar. GoodCar offers a vehicle search service that allows users to retrieve information and history reports associated with vehicles using their VINs. To use the GoodCar website for a Louisiana VIN lookup, enter the full VIN of the vehicle in the search field and select the search button. The search result will include basic information such as the vehicle's make, model, year, color, and transmission type. However, with a small fee, you can access a more detailed and comprehensive report that will reveal information such as sales history, accident history, rebuild records, salvage history, lien records, recall history, mileage, and flood damage.
Why Should I Run a la VIN Check?

Running a Louisiana VIN check cannot be overemphasized, especially if purchasing a previously used vehicle from a dealership or private seller. It reveals a lot of information and provides insight into a vehicle's history to help you make an informed decision about buying a used car. Generally, you should run a Louisiana VIN check for the reasons discussed below.
A lemon is any defective vehicle that requires too many repairs or has gone beyond repairs within a reasonable period after it was first delivered or purchased. Before purchasing a car in Louisiana, it is best to do a VIN check to ascertain that it has not been classified as a lemon. This can prevent you from spending money on unnecessary repairs and save you a lot of stress. The Louisiana Lemon Law covers vehicles required to be registered and used or designed to be used for public, private, or commercial purposes in the state.
Under the Louisiana Lemon Law, any defects identified on a vehicle must be reported within the vehicle's warranty term or within one year of its first delivery to a customer, whichever comes first. This law also covers used vehicles but does not apply to motor vehicles with a 10,000 gross vehicle weight or over (except for motor homes) or those used solely for commercial purposes. However, any used (second-hand) vehicle that is over its express warranty term or older than one year does not fall within the purview of the state's lemon law.
Why Choose GoodCar for Louisiana VIN Lookup?
GoodCar is the one-stop shop for comprehensive vehicle history reports and contains everything from ownership data, vehicle specifications, fire damage, and accident history to the title history of the vehicle. The data provided is of the highest industry standards, placing customers in the best position to make informed decisions.
Louisiana Resources
Who Issues A Vehicle's Vin Number In Louisiana?
Vehicles registered by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) all have their VINs assigned by their manufacturers.
How do I verify a VIN number in Louisiana?
The LSPC Registered Vehicle Search Database lists state-registered vehicles that transport passengers in the state. The VINs of such vehicles can be verified by searching the VIN column using only the last several characters of the VINs. Alternatively, the GoodCar website can help you verify the VIN of any vehicle registered in Louisiana.
Is it safe to check a Louisiana VIN online?
Yes, you can look up a Louisiana VIN online on any third-party website that offers VIN check services like GoodCar.
Do I need a VIN inspection in Louisiana?
A VIN inspection is not necessarily required for vehicle registration in Louisiana.
Are Louisiana VIN checks necessary for out-of-state vehicles brought into Louisiana?
While VIN checks are not necessary for out-of-state vehicles brought into Louisiana, conducting VIN lookups on such vehicles is recommended for individuals who intend to purchase them.
What does a Louisiana VIN check reveal?
A Louisiana VIN check reveals information about a vehicle's specifications and several other reports like accident history, sale history, recalls, flood damage, title issues, lien records, and theft alerts.
Can you ask for the VIN from a Louisiana seller?
Yes. If you are buying a used vehicle in Louisiana, you may request the seller to give you its VIN so you can look up the car's history.