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Nebraska VIN Check

VIN Check A Vehicle Identification Number, also known as a VIN, is a serial number attached to each vehicle for identification purposes.
Nebraska VIN Check Nebraska VIN Check

How to Perform a VIN Lookup in Nebraska?

VIN lookups are invaluable for carrying out due diligence on used vehicles before purchasing. These checks allow you to gather details on a vehicle's history and search title issues, accident reports, flood damage, recalls, and other related information. GoodCar is an approved NMVTIS data provider that you can use to perform VIN lookups in Nebraska and generate comprehensive and reliable vehicle history reports. This, in turn, ensures that you make an informed decision when purchasing used cars in the state.

How to Perform a VIN Lookup in Nebraska?

How to Find Your Car's VIN Number?

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to the vehicle during manufacturing that provides detailed information about its make, model, features, and other related information. It is typically located on the driver’s side of the dashboard, near the windshield, and can be seen from the outside of the vehicle (through the windshield). The VIN can also be found on a sticker or metal plate on the driver’s side door jamb and a sticker or plate under the hood, near the vehicle’s engine. Be aware that the exact location of the VIN on a vehicle may vary slightly by make and model.

How to Perform a VIN Lookup in Nebraska?

Why Should I Run a ne VIN Check?

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Running a VIN check in Nebraska can provide valuable information about a vehicle's history and status, ensuring that you avoid potential risks associated with buying a used car in the state. Essential insights that you can glean from a VIN check include:

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Vehicle History

As of 2021, there were 240 registered used car dealerships in Nebraska. Running VIN checks in the state gives you access to comprehensive vehicle history reports, which are crucial tools for confirming whether a vehicle’s features and condition match the seller's claims.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Title Verification

As of 2022, Nebraska had around 1,964,200 registered light-duty vehicles, averaging 2.6 vehicles per household. Checking a car’s title via a VIN check before purchase protects your investment by confirming the seller’s legal ownership, ensuring smooth titling and registration in your name.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Accident History

Per data published by the state’s Department of Transportation, approximately one traffic crash occurs every 18 minutes in Nebraska. As such, when buying used cars, verifying their accident histories and checking for reported accidents or damage is essential. A VIN check can uncover past accidents and structural damage, helping you avoid cars with hidden issues that could require costly repairs or pose safety risks.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Mileage Verification

Verifying the accuracy of a vehicle’s mileage before buying is crucial to avoid falling victim to odometer fraud. Over 450,000 cars are sold each year with falsified odometer readings; this costs American buyers about $1 billion (yearly). Running a VIN check to compare a vehicle’s reported and current mileage protects you from falling victim to odometer fraud. You can also contact the State Patrol Auto Fraud Division at (402)471-2683 to report matters involving odometer fraud in Nebraska.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Recalls and Safety Standards

Over 4.2 million vehicles nationwide require urgent recall repairs. Unresolved recalls can pose a significant safety risk and potentially lead to vehicular accidents and injuries. A VIN check provides information like NHTSA recalls, crash test ratings, and safety information, giving buyers a clear picture of the vehicle’s state and helping them address or negotiate issues before purchase.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Theft Check

Verifying that a vehicle has not been reported stolen is essential for avoiding legal and financial complications. The number of vehicle thefts in Nebraska surged by 12% between 2022 and 2023. VIN checks are an excellent option for performing your due diligence before purchasing used vehicles in Nebraska and ensuring that you do not end up with a stolen one.

Why Should I Run a Nebraska VIN Check?

Disaster-related Damages

Nebraska is susceptible to various natural disasters, including tornadoes, severe hailstorms, and occasional flash flooding that can adversely affect and even damage vehicles operated in the state. Considering that there have been about 24 FEMA disaster declarations in Nebraska between 2013 and 2023 alone, VIN checks are an indispensable tool when buying a vehicle in Nebraska; these checks can reveal if the vehicle has hidden mechanical, electrical, or structural damage resulting from a disaster event.

Nebraska Lemon Lawsand How They Relate to VIN Checks

Nebraska Lemon Laws
and How They Relate to VIN Checks

Nebraska Revised Statutes § 60-2701 to 60-2709, collectively called the Nebraska Lemon Law, is designed to protect consumers who purchase defective vehicles, known as "lemons'" and specifically covers vehicles that were purchased "as new" and are less than two years old. Under this law, vehicle manufacturers must either replace vehicles with substantial defects or issues that impair their use or market and cannot be repaired after a reasonable number of attempts or refund their full purchase price. This includes all sales tax, license and registration fees, and similar governmental charges (minus a reasonable amount for its use).

Lemon law disputes are between you and the manufacturer and do not include the auto dealer. You must also give the manufacturer a written notice via certified mail and an opportunity to fix the problem; it is advisable to do this after the third repair attempt or after the vehicle has been in the shop for 30 cumulative days. For a vehicle to qualify for recourse under the state’s lemon law, it:

  • Must be purchased in Nebraska
  • Must be under warranty
  • Must be less than one year when notice is sent to the manufacturer
  • Cannot be a trailer or self-propelled motor home

Vehicles that meet these criteria are presumed to be lemons if you have taken the vehicle to the dealer for repairs at least four times for the same problem or have been unable to use it for a cumulative total of at least 40 days (due to these repairs). VIN checks relate to Nebraska’s Lemon Law in that they can be used to verify if a vehicle has a history of defects or repairs and generate a comprehensive vehicle history report that can be used to determine that it meets the Lemon Law criteria. These checks can also help you avoid potential headaches and costly repairs by identifying used cars that have been previously classified as lemons.

Be aware that even though Nebraska’s Lemon Law does not cover used vehicles, these vehicles may be protected by the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act; this federal law ensures that consumers receive accurate information about warranties and can seek legal recourse if warranty terms aren’t honored.

Nebraska Lemon Laws and How They Relate to VIN Checks

The Title Transfer Process

To transfer motor vehicle ownership in Nebraska, all names on the Certificate of Title must sign off in the seller's section. The seller must complete the title's Odometer Certification section and provide the buyer with a Bill of Sale or Form 6 (Nebraska Sales/Use Tax and Tire Fee Statement for Motor Vehicle and Trailer Sales Form). Note that the buyer's name, address, and signature must also be added to the title at the time of purchase to avoid an "Open Title" violation, which can result in the title being confiscated by the County Official, DMV, or law enforcement.

Once these steps are completed, the buyer will then be required to submit these documents, a correctly filled-out Application for Certificate of Title, and a $10 titling fee to their local County Treasurer’s Office; out-of-state vehicles will also be required to provide proof of a Sheriff’s inspection. In situations where there is an open lien on the vehicle, it must be released by the lienholder and County Official on the face of the title before the title is reassigned to the new owner. Be aware that vehicle titling and registration in Nebraska must be done within 30 days of purchasing the vehicle or moving to the state.

Nebraska Lemon Laws and How They Relate to VIN Checks

Nebraska Insurance and Registration Requirements

You must register your vehicle with the Nebraska DMV within 30 days of purchasing it or moving to the state. First-time registrations must be done in person or via mail through your County Treasurer’s Office, where you will be required to provide proof of financial responsibility in the form of any of the following:

  • An original Certificate of Insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in Nebraska.
  • A bond conditioned for the payment of up to $75,000 issued by a company authorized to do business in Nebraska. A property bond for up to this amount with at least two individual sureties who each own real estate within the state may also be used.
  • A Certificate of Deposit or money of securities for up to $75,000, issued by the State Treasurer.
  • A Certificate of Self-Insurance, issued by the Nebraska DMV.

Other documents needed to register your vehicle in Nebraska include proof of paid sales or excise taxes, a copy of a signed lease agreement for leased vehicles, and the most currently issued registration certificate (for out-of-state vehicles). Be aware that after registering your vehicle, you must carry the registration certificate and proof of financial responsibility (used for the registration) in the vehicle at all times.

Nebraska Lemon Laws and How They Relate to VIN Checks

Nebraska Titling Requirements and Sales Tax

To title your vehicle, you will need to submit proof of ownership in the form of a properly assigned Certificate of Title or Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, a completed application form, and a $10 titling fee ($17 for vehicles with open liens). This title, along with proof of financial responsibility and paid sales or excise taxes, can then be used to register the vehicle. Taxes and registration fees are typically based on the vehicle type and purchase price; however, vehicle tax exemptions are made for disabled or blind veterans and active-duty military personnel who reside in another state but serve in Nebraska.

Nebraska Lemon Laws and How They Relate to VIN Checks

Nebraska-Assigned VINs

The Nebraska DMV issues Assigned ID Numbers for

  • Assembled vehicles
  • Assembled classic vehicles
  • Homemade trailers
  • Replacement VINs for vehicles where their original VIN has been destroyed, obliterated, or is missing

These state-issued VINs typically begin with the initials "NE" followed by a unique sequence of numbers. When issued, they must be properly affixed to the vehicle and used for all future titling, registration, and sales documents.

Why Choose GoodCar for Nebraska VIN Lookup?

Why Choose GoodCar for Nebraska VIN Lookup?

GoodCar is the one-stop shop for comprehensive vehicle history reports and contains everything from ownership data, vehicle specifications, fire damage, and accident history to the title history of the vehicle. The data provided is of the highest industry standards, placing customers in the best position to make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questionsabout Nebraska VIN Checks

Frequently Asked Questions
about Nebraska VIN Checks

  1. Who Issues a Vehicle's VIN Number in Nebraska?

    Auto manufacturers issue VINs for vehicles operated in Nebraska; however, the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may issue a state-assigned ID number if a vehicle’s original VIN is missing or damaged.

  2. How Do I Verify a VIN Number in Nebraska?

    You can verify a VIN by contacting the Nebraska DMV or online using third-party platforms like GoodCar.

  3. Is It Safe to Check a Nebraska VIN Online?

    Yes, it is safe to check a Nebraska VIN online using reputable services. GoodCar is one such service and is an NMVTIS-approved data provider that provides convenient access to reliable vehicle history reports through online VIN checks.

  4. Do I Need a VIN Inspection in Nebraska?

    A VIN inspection is typically required for vehicles with out-of-state titles or if the VIN is missing or altered.

  5. Are Nebraska VIN Checks Necessary for Out-of-State Vehicles Brought into Nebraska?

    Yes, VIN checks are required to title out-of-state vehicles in Nebraska.

  6. What Does a Nebraska VIN Check Reveal?

    A Nebraska VIN check typically reveals detailed information on a vehicle’s specifications and history, including its title status, accident history, recalls, and sales history.

  7. Can You Ask for the VIN from a Nebraska Seller?

    Yes, you can and should ask for the VIN from a Nebraska seller to perform a VIN check before purchasing. Be wary of any auto dealer who seems hesitant to offer this information or tries to dissuade you from performing a VIN check.